Dancing Squirrel Productions is a collaboration. Over the past fifteen years literally hundreds of people have been involved in the performances of our holiday production for thousands of children and their families.
We would like to thank: Susan Allen, Cathy Blaivas, the late great Kathryn A. Harker, Greg Callahan, Jan & Jurgen Striemer, Robina Suwol, Rob Daly , Betty & Stanley Sheinbaum, Western Costume Company, the City of West Hollywood, James Blair of the IRS (!), Sharon Edrei, Holly Jeanne, Hollywood Toy & Costume, Barbara Barnes of Children\’s Institute International, Eric Geller and Gena Welch, Debbie Vandermeulen, Aj Trotter, Robert Stoneman, Marti Maniates, Fred Deni, Anita Tolbert, Mel Harker and Cynthia Jones, Dan Moore and Sheri Myers, Jean Sinatra, Janet Haley, Sandra & Terry Novelli, Gil Savage, Marty Siniaski, Jo Anne Roby, Jami and David Hathcoat, Claus & Susie Erlemann, Mitzi Trumbo and Richard Gingras, Katherine Bender, & Laura Boccaletti.
With special thanks to over 100 actors who have volunteered their time and their talents playing the twelve roles over the years.